Research Institute

The CLLARO Research Institute conducts groundbreaking community-engaged research to document challenges facing Colorado Latinos and develop policy solutions.
Video By and About 2017 Fellowship
We review our public policy priorities on an ongoing basis. Last year our priorities addressed housing, education, health and safety, immigrant and workers’ rights, economic security, aging, civic engagement and equity for all Americans.
Advocacy at CLLARO often includes preparation of fact sheets for legislators. The following are two examples from the 2024 legislative session.
Latinos are an increasingly important presence in Colorado. Today, Latinos are nearly 25% of the state’s population. And thanks to their higher birth rates, their numbers are increasing. The Colorado State Demographer projects that by 2050, Latinos will be one in three. (Colorado State Demographer, Population of Colorado’s Race and Ethnic Groups, 2000-2040, 2018:Denver)
The needs and aspirations of Latinos in Colorado have not been adequately researched and are not adequately understood by policymakers.
The size and composition of Latino families are changing. CLLARO research is examining the consequences of those trends. For example, there is a rapidly growing population of Latinos over 65 years of age. Today, the CLLARO Research Institute is conducting groundbreaking original research on social isolation of Latino elders and its affect on their heath and well-being.
In addition to original research, the Research Institute conducts culturally responsive bilingual meeting facilitation and evaluation for other organizations.