Capitol Fellowship Program

The CLLARO Capitol Fellowship Program provides public policy training to college students--typically the first in their families to attend college--and places them in paid internships with state legislators and other public officials and policy advocates during the Colorado legislative session.

2025 Cohort Application

Eligibility: Must be a college sophomore, junior, senior, recent grad, grad student, non-traditional student or professional in any career level.

Must complete the entire 2-part application: virtual form AND email the required documents listed below to .

Applicants that are college students, grad students or recent grads will need to complete an (1) application online form (2) submit a resume, (3) submit 1 letter of recommendation, (4)  submit 1 recent employment reference (can be from an internship), (5) send transcripts showing your GPA, and combine all these documents into one PDF file. You must also submit an academic writing piece, preferably a research paper, in the same email. Please label your file in this format: FirstName_LastNameCFP2025 and email to

Professionals (any age and career level), you must complete an (1) application online form, (2) submit a resume, (3) submit 1 letter of recommendation, and (4) submit 2 recent employment references. Please combine all these documents into one PDF file. Please label your file in this format: FirstName_LastNameCFP2025 and email to

Applications are due by Friday, September 13, 2024 at 11:59 PM. Please note you can complete the online form first, then email your documents at a later date. We will store everything in your file until the application is complete. If you submit an incomplete application, you will not be considered. For more information contact or

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The CLLARO Capitol Fellowship Program helps college students develop a practical understanding of legislative processes and public policy making. Students are admitted to the program annually on a competitive basis. CLLARO places each fellow in the office of a participating state legislator, other public official, or public policy advocate. Students receive a  $1,160/month stipend from CLLARO throughout the regular legislative session.  


Each fellow is required to devote 20 hours per week to the program while staying current with any college courses in which they are concurrently enrolled. Fellows attend an orientation for all  General Assembly interns in early January plus additional training by CLLARO before the  session begins. Throughout the fellowship, fellows will spend fifteen hours a week on  policy-related tasks assigned by their host office. Examples of assignments may include researching policy or community problems, preparing fact sheets, monitoring specific bills, taking notes at committee hearings or caucus meetings, staffing town hall meetings, and  answering constituent inquiries. 

Fellows are required to help CLLARO welcome and orient visitors to the capitol on the annual Latino Advocacy Day. CLLARO staff will visit capitol offices during the session to hear suggestions and resolve any concerns legislators or their staff  might have about fellows’ performance or the fellowship program in general.  

Fellows are required to attend CLLARO in-service training and policy seminars at the capitol or Mi Casa Resource Center (location may change) every Friday from 11:00AM to 2:00PM. Seminars  feature expert guest speakers on a variety of policy topics.


The Friday seminar topics are divided into the following categories:

About the Colorado Legislature and the Policy making Process in Colorado

Learning objectives: 

Demonstrate conceptual and practical understanding of state legislative policy making  processes and structures. 

Describe the role and internal processes of legislative committees and relevant House and  Senate leaders, including their roles and responsibilities.  

Explain the roles and functions of legislative service agencies; i.e., the Joint Budget  Committee Staff, the Legislative Council Staff, the Office of Legislative Legal Services, and the  Office of the State Auditor.  

Describe legislative functions and roles of leaders, committee chairs, members, and staff of the  House and the Senate of the Colorado General Assembly, including ethical expectations and role  constraints affecting each of those positions.  

Describe roles of the Governor, the Attorney General, and the Colorado Supreme Court with  respect to the legislative process and other policy decisions.  

Track legislation, starting with introduction of a bill and ending with final disposition. 

Use appropriate tools for monitoring legislation, including the legislature’s daily calendar,  committee schedules, official and unofficial on-line resources, and professional interaction with  public officials, public employees, and members of advocacy groups.  

Policies & issues impacting Latinos in Colorado

Learning objectives: 

Give examples illustrating how specific policy, legislative, or budgetary decisions might affect  Colorado residents, organizations, and institutions, including low-wealth, low-income minority  residents and communities.  

Develop or anticipate potentially effective policy advocacy strategies and tactics grounded in  accurate understanding of legislative processes and legislators’ political and personal interests  and perspectives.  


Learning objectives:

Understand your own leadership style, and learn new skills for effective leadership as a CLLARO Capitol Fellow and beyond.

Explain how and why policymakers and advocates might appropriately practice the art of  political compromise while advancing the cause of social justice.  

Civic Engagement

Learning objectives:

Describe or use of advocacy and lobbying techniques used by specific agencies or advocacy  groups, including those advocating for low-income, low-wealth minority populations and  specific populations at risk. 

Learn how to increase personal civic engagement, and how to engage the community. 

Identify potential career options for fellows themselves that might advance the interests of  those minority populations and other populations at risk.  

Personal Finances

Learning objectives: 

Learn about resources available to the Latino community, learn financial management and planning, and examine strategies for good financial decision making. 

Learn about different financial institutions, how to invest, and learn the process of becoming a first time home buyer. 


Eligibility: Host offices must be Colorado General Assembly members, members from the Colorado Executive Branch, Judicial Branch, or state agencies that focus on policy work.


The host office must provide the CLLARO Fellow with 15 hours of meaningful work per week during the legislative session. The Fellows are also required to work 3 hours during weekly leadership seminars with CLLARO and 2 hours working on their team projects, for a total of 20 hours of work per week.

Host offices are to complete at least one monthly 15 minute check-in with CFP management.

Host offices must allow the Fellows to attend CLLARO meetings and events. A list with specific dates will be provided to you before the legislative session begins.

The Fellows are to have in-person meeting time with the policymaker or main mentor, not only with legislative aides or other staff.  

Important Dates:

Host office applications will be available online on our website on Thursday, August 1st.

You will be notified if you were selected as a host office by Friday, September 13.

You are required to attend the Host Office-Fellow Meet n’ Greet in the Fall, exact date TBA.

Interested in applying? Click the button below!

Should you have any questions, you can contact program manager

Capitol Fellowship ProgramCapitol Fellowship Program

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future fellows & mentors

For questions regarding the fellowship, contact Alejandra Colmenero

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